I do believe that life is the mother's prerogative. I've never heard our planet referred to by anyone, not even the most hardboiled Christian, as anything other than MOTHER Earth, Earthrider. The planet provides for ALL of your needs, your food, air, water and it's up to Gaia whether you live or die.Well, Satan doesn't want what is best for the world. Satan likes evil and sin. Makes sense why a Wiccan would be ok with baby killing
If there's an earthquake or tornado tomorrow, and you die in it, She decided you no longer needed to be alive.
Satan doesn't factor into my spiritual beliefs.
I'm currently having a hard time deciding why killing a human baby is any worse than killing a cow baby, or a dog baby or a chimp baby or a whale baby ...
See, what I'm hearing from people in this thread is that they don't about care the circumstances of the children's conception, the social, economic or intellectual status of the mother, all they care is that it's LIFE! A precious human LIFE. Fine. If life is so precious than why eat meat (that was a life, dammit!), how can you ignore the homeless (that's a life, an adult life, you don't know how they ended up there, they might have a mental illness and be off their meds) and don't give a fugg that there are children, thinking, breathing children, dying by the minute in countries like Africa (where 50% of all children born alive end up dead before age 5).
What I'm hearing is some humans more valuable than others. Giving a shit about a life is all about the situation. If a baby is born to a starving mother in Africa and she smothers it immediately to save it from starving slowly to death or dying of dysentery, would you still think hang her or she did it a favor?
You don't mind a piglet being slaughtered to feed your belly, a dolphin being murdered so it's calf can put a show on for you in Sea World, a chimp being murdered so her baby can end up in the zoo, all that's okay. But a pair of white twins, that shit's a precious commodity.
We got nearly 7 billion of those precious commodities devouring resources and pissing and shitting up the planet and more being born every day. Blue whales, clouded leopards and mountain gorillas, those are precious commodities, there's less of them every year and someday there won't be any at all.
So life is precious, if it's certain types of lives.