I still want to know how MM is conflicted
I can't decide if she's a waste of air and space that is doubly damned for murder of two innocents ...
OR ...
If she just committed abortion six months late.
Now hold on with the visceral responses for a minute. These are not cute little plump bundles of love as perfectly photographed by Anne Geddes. These are fresh out of the wrapper human newborns that honestly are one step above any baby bird. Red, squawking, sticky, absolutely helpless to the point of not even being able to find sustenance, not even possessing the instinct to crawl to a tit.
Now be honest here, if you had a choice of being murdered, and could pick ANY time in your life (except the last decade) when would you choose to die? I don't know about the rest of you, but I honestly have no memory of anything before age 2. Is dying before you lived such a horrible proposition (and dying during/at/immediately after birth is pretty much dying before you lived).
Is dying before you lived a dramatically worse proposition than dying after you've lived, and/or living with the knowledge that some day you
will die?
On another hand, if you agree with abortion,
is murder AT birth, at the hand of your mother, that much more different from abortion? (personally, I believe it is, but not substantially. I've attended a whole lot of births of many species of critters in my time. Dying then is about as easy as it gets).
Didn't say it was a pleasant thread. At least give me credit for truth in advertising.
Oh, and why would I even think of asking such a question? Because matricide at birth was a relatively common practice once upon a time in not so distant (historically speaking) human history and would not have been an act looked upon scornfully.