OK, I don't compete, but I do like to look good...
For me, it works best to have a small treat every day that's built into my diet. That way I never obsess or worry about bingeing.
There is no food I tell myself I "can't" have. So, when I do find myself wanting something that's not quite "clean", I'll have it. I'm actually satisfied with smaller portions since I know nothing's forbidden. If I told myself "just this once but never again...", I'd eat the whole thing and then some.
I know I could make better use of those less-than-clean calories, but I'm in this for the long haul. I like to look good, but I like food too (and my husband is a gourmet cook), so I compromise. I'd rather look sort of close-to-contest all the time than contest-ready for a few days (except maybe my next HS reunion ). Even the competitors only stay contest-ready for a very short period. I think following a strict contest diet would really screw w/my eating disorder history, and I don't want to go back down that road.
For me, it works best to have a small treat every day that's built into my diet. That way I never obsess or worry about bingeing.
There is no food I tell myself I "can't" have. So, when I do find myself wanting something that's not quite "clean", I'll have it. I'm actually satisfied with smaller portions since I know nothing's forbidden. If I told myself "just this once but never again...", I'd eat the whole thing and then some.
I know I could make better use of those less-than-clean calories, but I'm in this for the long haul. I like to look good, but I like food too (and my husband is a gourmet cook), so I compromise. I'd rather look sort of close-to-contest all the time than contest-ready for a few days (except maybe my next HS reunion ). Even the competitors only stay contest-ready for a very short period. I think following a strict contest diet would really screw w/my eating disorder history, and I don't want to go back down that road.