the ravens are still the better team. if they had to play in baltimore this game wouldnt have even been close
How about looking at some statistics:
The Ravens compiled their 3-1 record by beating teams with a combined record of 5-11.
The Patriots compiled their 3-1 record by beating teams with a combined record of 10-6.
Toss out best and worst records and the Ravens competition is 2-6. The Patriots competition is 3-1 doing the same.
The Patriots defense is better in every major category than the Ravens (Pts. Allowed, Total Yards, Pass Yards Allowed) with the exception of Rush Yards Allowed.
The Ravens have one thing to hang their hats on; they haven't allowed a hundred yard rusher in nearly 3 dozen games. But how many of those games have they won?
The Ravens probably do lead the Patriots in the category of being the whiniest, most excuse-seeking team when they get torched by a better team. That includes a better showing in the red zone by New England, and winning the turnover battle, true guideposts of how a team is performing.
When the Ravens can manage to catch a kickoff without muffing it, or a perfect pass on a short slant without jumping inexplicably in the air to knock your own ball away, or throwing an interception at the end of a long drive to lose momentum, then they can start picking apart at the other reasons they may have lost. Like letting Randy Moss get five yards from your safety for a touchdown. Or letting a QB with a reconstructed knee walk over your #1 rush defense when it counts the most with a QB sneak.
The Ravens got the flags because they were clumsy in their execution. "Playing your heart out" is no excuse for being clumsy. They should concentrate on knocking the stuffing out of the opponent's QB when he's running down their gut, and stop complaining about why they get penalized when they're dumb enough to roll up under his knee or hit him in the helmet.