My Routine:
Shirted Bench Day. This is a max effort day. I will be working to find a failure point on either a 1,2,3,4 boards, or a full range bench. If the energy is there, and I am doing a full range bench, I will do some board work at the point where I failed. Also, if the energy is there, and I am doing boards, I might take another board, and do work on that. As you all know, this day is all by feel. From here, I will do my tri, lat, and ab work.
Max Effort squat/deadlift day. Like WSB, I will alternate a special exercise every other week. Since I dont compete, yet, I plan on finding a max every 8 weeks. After the ME movement, Ill hit up my hams, lower back, and abs.
Lower back, traps, and plyometrics. The back work on this day is light. Plyometric work for about 30mins, various types of box jumps.
Close Grip Bench day, no shirt. On this day, I plan using a lot of band tension, and working on my board presses, working to a heavy triple. In general, I will be using a lower board (2 or 3 boards.) I am usually pretty amped when I get done using the bands, and want to keep going, so Ill take the bands off, and work up to a heavy triple with out the bands. If my tri's are shot after the bench work, I wont do any tri's, if they are not shot, then Ill do them. I will follow this up with shoulders, lats, and ab work.
Box squats with heavy band tension, working up to a heavy single. Followed up by speed deads, biceps and ab work. With the deads; If I did some sort of pulling earlier in the week on the ME day, I will not go over 70% of my max. But, if I didn't do a pulling movement on the ME day, then I will end up going heavy.
If you look at my log, you might notice that I really haven't been doing too much tri work lately in the form of extensions. This is because I get an unbearable pain in my elbows when I do those sort of movements, so I am not doing them.
The reason why I dont do a DE day any more is because I don't fully understand how they are helping me. Yes, I understand that the idea is to explode (off the chest, or the box) as hard as you can, but this can also be done by using heavy band tension. By using the heavy band tension with a lighter bar weight, I am still working on making my start of the lift to lockout faster, because as everybody who uses bands knows, if you are not fast, you will not outrun the bands, and you will not be able to lockout the weight. I am also accomodating resistance, by having heavy band tension.