Reminds me of a story.........
Somethin like this. This lady was in a village that Jesus was preaching in. She liked Him so much that, even though she was poor with little food, invited him over for dinner. So, she goes out and sells a cow or some sheep to obtain meat, fruit, and bread for their feast. Tha table is all set, and as she awaits His visit the doorbell rings. She opens the door to find a homeless mand in rags and shambles starving. He asks her for food but she declines him and says to go away because everything on the table is for Jesus. So the nite goes on and He doesn't show up. The next day she sees him adn asks, " I had sold my belongings to prepare a fine meal for you, why did you not come?" Jesus answers, "but I did, although you wouldn't invite me in."
Moral of the story.................... don't wash your ass with conditioner.