This is my menu of torture:
Bent over Rows
1 arm dbell rows
pull downs
Close grip bench
push downs
skull scrushers( going lighter helps my elbows, thats why this is last)
As we begin I will give my partners a false sense of security by staying w/ them in tandem, always doing 1-2 extra reps. Until we start going heavy. As they go to 225 on bent over rows I will look at the wieght and reach for an extra 45 a side. Thats 315. As they look at me in dismay, anger, I will lower the bar into position. With poise and confidence I will lower the wieght then thrust it up as if I were pulling a car off of an accident victim. I will scream. After several reps, I will rack the wieght and not say a word. There is no reason too. I have just said it all.
Bent over Rows
1 arm dbell rows
pull downs
Close grip bench
push downs
skull scrushers( going lighter helps my elbows, thats why this is last)
As we begin I will give my partners a false sense of security by staying w/ them in tandem, always doing 1-2 extra reps. Until we start going heavy. As they go to 225 on bent over rows I will look at the wieght and reach for an extra 45 a side. Thats 315. As they look at me in dismay, anger, I will lower the bar into position. With poise and confidence I will lower the wieght then thrust it up as if I were pulling a car off of an accident victim. I will scream. After several reps, I will rack the wieght and not say a word. There is no reason too. I have just said it all.