So 2 days ago, I msg my manager and tell her I'm going to be an hour late because I'm feeling sick. When I get to work, HR sends me an email asking me if I'm at work. I respond with: yes, but I signed in late. They ask if I had it approved with my manager. I say I msged her this morning informed her that I'm going to be late. I receive a flagrantly rude email from HR saying that I should book it 2 days in advance instead of having people running around and try to figure out if I'm in. I reply with: Next time I predict I'm going to be sick in a few days, I'll book it in advance. I get a flaming email from my manager cc'ing everyone and their grandmothers in management and HR telling me that it's not the way they do thing and my answer is not acceptable. After a few minutes, someone from management waks up to me and says: your manager just called and says ur sick so we're sending you home. Now this company has no sick days and I drive almost 2 hours to get to work, so after I've been there for 30 minutes they're are sending me home even after I decided to get over the fact that im feeling like shit and come to work?
I feel like I'm being forced into something that is not right, so I call ontario labor board and I ask them about my right. They tell me if you are ready to work and at work, despite that you are sick, employer does not have the right to send you home. if they do, it must be a policy (and it's not) Even if you agree to go home, they have to pay you 3-4 hours depending on the kind of business for that day.
So the next day, I talk to hR and tell them about the information and that they owe me 3-4 hours of pay. One day after, my manager calsl me into the HR office and says: we've concluded that you are not fit for this position and you have not passed the probation period.
A little bit of info:
I have hit 200-300% of goal every month since i got hired
My effort numbers are first in the team and top 3 on the floor.
Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture???
I feel like I'm being forced into something that is not right, so I call ontario labor board and I ask them about my right. They tell me if you are ready to work and at work, despite that you are sick, employer does not have the right to send you home. if they do, it must be a policy (and it's not) Even if you agree to go home, they have to pay you 3-4 hours depending on the kind of business for that day.
So the next day, I talk to hR and tell them about the information and that they owe me 3-4 hours of pay. One day after, my manager calsl me into the HR office and says: we've concluded that you are not fit for this position and you have not passed the probation period.
A little bit of info:
I have hit 200-300% of goal every month since i got hired
My effort numbers are first in the team and top 3 on the floor.
Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture???