OK so here is the real problem with this guy. What he is saying is what every young kid in the bodybuilding world wants to hear. " Its all about the drugs"
Every kid wants to believe that if they take enough pharmaceutical enhancement that they can become huge & ripped, to the point of winning contests and so on. The sad part is what you have here is an example of someone who, believe it or not, is very genetically gifted. You see how crappy he looks most of the time, that being said when he buckles down and preps for a contest he come in looking on point. So much so that he has won at least one (more like 2) very prestigious competitions. The reality is that he IS genetically gifted but thats not the portrait he portrays of himself. By mega-dosing all this gear he has kids (and they are kids) believing that if they do the same they could also win the Contra Costa, but they cant.
He is really in a way body buildings worst enemy. He is a genetically gifted body builder that gives all the credit to what he takes. This feeds right into what every damn kid wants to hear. If I do what he does and take what he takes Ill look like he looks (when he stepped onto the CC stage). For so many years kids were fed bullshit in the opposite fashion. Bodybuilders were pretending to be drug free and shit like that. What a freaking joke. Saying it was all genetics and diet and so on. People (and rightly so) called bullshit. They were fed up with these monsters pretending they didnt take juice or they only took 500mgs of test with 400mgs of deca and 20mg of dbol. Nonsense like that was being peddled as truth. Kids were fed up with the lies.
So along comes this Boston Lloyd guy saying no way man Im gonna tell it like it is. The problem is he totally removed the genetics aspect of the equation. He fed right into every kids dream. Take the right mix of drugs and you can win these big competitions. HE shows these mega dosing protocols that he obviously in fact does take but that doesnt mean whomever takes them that they could step u and win the CC as well. Quite the contrary 99.9% cant and never would. The other thing is he is taking the same quality (or lack thereof) of gear that these kids have access too. He is using crashed UGL gear and running it under hot water to get it back into solution etc. Kids could relate to it. The sad fact is 90% of what he uses is rob under-dosed garbage, thus the necessity for these mega doses he take. But hey kids can relate to that cause thats what they can get as well. They arent Phil Heath with access to pharma grade compounds for 85% of what they take. They are taking the opposite, maybe 15% pharm and 85% ugl crap from joe blow lab this cycle and john browns lab the next. They RELATE to this guy. The believe that he holds the key and is simply showing what bodybuilders really do. Kids then think they can do it too. Feeding right into the very thing they want to believe the most, that the answer isnt in hard work, dedication, impeccable diet and training and gifted genetics with gear being 20% of the equation. The answer is in what and how much you take. Because he has pushed the very thing they WANT to believe the most they have flocked to him and the do so hiding behind the guise of his honesty and openness. What a bunch of bullshit. The sad fact is he may actually believe it himself, that the answer is in the gear. The reality is he is a genetically gifted bodybuilder but has refused to acknowledge that as laying any role what so ever in his success. He has made it clear that success is found in a vial and anyone who wants it can buy it. DO what he does and they will get what he gets. Its playing right into the kids biggest weakness and they are eating it up. What they view as honesty and openness is just a lie on the opposite end of the spectrum bodybuilders have been feeding them for years but because it is what they WANT to be true it has lead to his enormous popularity and success. Sadly along with that it has lead to a generation of bodybuilders using steroids in the most irresponsible and dangerous of manners. Its not good when you look at the big picture and yes while he might be open about what he uses its time people stop kidding themselves and get back to the core basics and realize that you cant buy or inject a Mr O title. You still, no matter what you take, have to earn it and part of that , like it or not, are the god given gifts that have been genetically bestowed upon you.