I run alot and hav not lost any weight in 4 months. My diet is great I know what i am doing. Do you think I need to add weights into my routine? Or do something with more intensity?
I run alot and hav not lost any weight in 4 months. My diet is great I know what i am doing. Do you think I need to add weights into my routine? Or do something with more intensity?
Exercises do not cause the person to lose weight. What makes weight loss is diet, is to eat less energy than it spends. Your diet can be excellent and super healthy, if you do not have calorie deficit, you will not lose weight.
If you can and you have time to add workout with weights, the benefit will be yours alone, because you will lose weight and will not look flabby.
i'm gonna break your heart when i say this but running/cardio does not cause weight loss because you cannot outrun a poor diet lifestyle
americans are laughed at around the world because we do so much exercise.. you always see people jogging, at gyms, etc. we exercise more than any other country yet we are also the fattest. it DOES NOT WORK.. you go to any gym and you see fat people on the treadmill and elliptical literally everyday and they don't lose anything
all that running you are doing is great for:
1. building endurance
2. stronger heart
3. stress relief
if you want to lose weight though and keep it off it boils down to how you approach food and it isn't as simple as just telling you to 'drop calories'.. cause that doesn't work either.. another lie