New member
My thoughts on routine 1:
My thoughs on Routine 2:
Do back 1st. Deadlift. Regular deads, not SLDL's. Do SLDL's for hamstrings on leg day. IMO, you have WAY too many sets for bi's.Mindwraith said:Sunday - Biceps / Back (may alternate or reverse order starting with chinups)
warmup (not sure what)
ab roller
Barbell curls 8 sets drop or pyramid
Preacher curls 4 sets of 8
Incline curls 4 sets of 8
Stiff Legged Dead Lifts 4 sets 8
Bent over Row 4 sets of 8
Chinups 4 sets of 10
Why all dumbells? I'd change the tri workout alittle. It looks like too much to me. I'd start with the dips (weighted) and drop the pusdowns and the overhead extensions.Monday - Chest / Tri's
warmup (unsure of what)
reverse crunches
Dumbell press incline 5 sets of 8
Dumbell press flat 5 sets 8
Dumbell fly's incline 5 sets of 8
EZbar skullcrushers tri's 3 sets of 8
overhead dumbell (sitting) tri's 2 sets of 12
pully (pushdown) tri's 6 sets pyramid/drop
dips 4 sets of 10
Looks ok, but I'd cut down the reps on the leg press.Tuesday - Quads / Calves
light warmup
squats 5 sets of 9 70% of 1rm
leg press 4 sets of 20
sitting calf press 1 warmup set of 30 (lighter) then 3 sets of 8 (heavy)
standing calf press 1 set of 20 then 3 sets of 15 (heavy)
Sprint 350 yards
You need some sort of press. Drop the chinups. they are for back.Wednesday - Shoulders
ab roller
reverse flys 4 sets of 8
bent arm lateral raise 4 sets of 8
shoulder shrugs 1 set of 20 (light) 3 sets of 8 (heavy)
Chinups 4 sets of 10
I'd combine hams with quads on tuesday.Thursday - Hamstrings / Calves
reverse crunches
stiff legged dead lifts 4 sets of 8
Leg Curls 1 set of 20 (light) then 3 sets of 10 (heavy)
sitting calf press 4 sets of 30-40
standing calf press 4 sets of 30-40
sprint 350 yards
My thoughs on Routine 2:
Wow, thats a lot. I counted 41 sets in 1 day!!!!! I dont like this routine at all. Try each muscle group 1x per week. You would most likely overtrain in no time on this routine.Sunday - Upper Body
warmup (unsure of what)
reverse crunches
Dumbell press incline 4 sets of 8
Dumbell fly's incline 3 sets of 8
Pushups - 55
overhead dumbell (sitting) tri's 2 sets of 12
pully (pushdown) tri's 4 sets of 8 pyramid/drop
dips 3 sets of 8
Chinups 3 sets of 8
Barbell curls 6 sets drop or pyramid
Preacher curls 3 sets of 8
Incline curls 3 sets of 8
Bent over Row 3 sets of 8
reverse flys 3 sets of 8
bent arm lateral raise 3 sets of 8
shoulder shrugs 1 set of 20 (light) 3 sets of 8 (heavy)
Monday - Legs
Ab roller
squats 4 sets of 9 70% of 1rm
leg press 3 sets of 20
Stiff Legged Dead Lifts 3 sets 8
sitting calf press 1 warmup set of 30 (lighter) then 3 sets of 8 (heavy)
standing calf press 1 set of 20 then 3 sets of 15 (heavy)
Sprint 350 yards
Tuesday - Upper
warmup (unsure of what)
reverse crunches
Dumbell press incline 4 sets of 8
Dumbell fly's incline 3 sets of 8
Pushups - 55
overhead dumbell (sitting) tri's 2 sets of 12
pully (pushdown) tri's 4 sets of 8 pyramid/drop
dips 3 sets of 8
Chinups 3 sets of 8
Barbell curls 6 sets drop or pyramid
Preacher curls 3 sets of 8
Incline curls 3 sets of 8
Bent over Row 3 sets of 8
reverse flys 3 sets of 8
bent arm lateral raise 3 sets of 8
shoulder shrugs 1 set of 20 (light) 3 sets of 8 (heavy)
Wednesday - Legs
Ab roller
squats 4 sets of 9 70% of 1rm
leg press 3 sets of 20
Stiff Legged Dead Lifts 3 sets 8
sitting calf press 1 warmup set of 30 (lighter) then 3 sets of 8 (heavy)
standing calf press 1 set of 20 then 3 sets of 15 (heavy)
Sprint 350 yards
Thursday - Upper
warmup (unsure of what)
reverse crunches
Dumbell press incline 4 sets of 8
Dumbell fly's incline 3 sets of 8
Pushups - 55
overhead dumbell (sitting) tri's 2 sets of 12
pully (pushdown) tri's 4 sets of 8 pyramid/drop
dips 3 sets of 8
Chinups 3 sets of 8
Barbell curls 6 sets drop or pyramid
Preacher curls 3 sets of 8
Incline curls 3 sets of 8
Bent over Row 3 sets of 8
reverse flys 3 sets of 8
bent arm lateral raise 3 sets of 8
shoulder shrugs 1 set of 20 (light) 3 sets of 8 (heavy)