Well, I admit that my husband and I enjoy discussing the antics of the various characters in our gym. If you're not doing or wearing anything unusual, you won't get discussed. If you come to the gym wearing short cut-offs and a black leather vest, you'll get discussed. (This was an old man btw.)valerie said:... I really don't think folks get together and discuss who did what at the gym or what they looked like. I know I don't!-valerie

Our gym seems to have a lot of characters, even at 5 am. There's one old guy whose form is so bad, the gym made him sign a release in case he injures himself. Another guy talks to himself, telling himself he's a "good boy" or "bad boy" depending on his workout. We have nicknames for some of them. "Stinky" has perpetual b.o., "The Clacker" clacks his weights together hard on every single rep, "Waterfall Lady" ties her hair in a big ponytail on top of her head, "Bubbleman" is a big rolly-polly guy who drives a big old bubble-shaped station wagon and wears a big puffy down coat in the winter. I wonder what our nicknames are?