As soon as I seen what it was I stopped playing that. I have to catheter myself because my bladder retains urine. Matter of fact I do not do it like I'm supposely to because it isn't the funnest thing in the world. There's no pleasure or potential for pleasure and the catheter has to be kept very sterile. Hands and penis also immaculately clean.
It's either fake (probably not) or that dude is going to be pissing razor blades later on from irritating his urethra.
trust nav.... guys this has been posted various places for years and has been confirmed fake. End of story.. .debate it if you like but know you are wasting keystrokes.
Nav, what's the fake part of that clip? I posted this same clip months ago and then you also said this was fake. Come on, tell me, what's the fake part of the clip?