Your current condition a year after surgery lends strength to my claims. Surgery, unless for a complete tear does nothing for the underlying problem in almost all cases, its simply a bandaide fix and lines the Dr's and the HMO's pockets with your hard earned money. I can guarantee you there are many more years behind prolo than there is arthroscopic surgery but because prolo isnt in the lime light, its so easy to do you rarely hear about it, that and the fact that Docs have become complacent and lost site of the problem and are only out to help symptoms.jerkbox said:yeah like I said...interesting...glad you offered up the information. i'm certainly open to learning more about it, because I am still dealing with this knee a year after surgery....
Often times the damage from surgery can not be recovered from 100% but prolo can help get you close. Price ranges from doc to doc, but if your serious about recovery spend the $200 and have your knee treated you will know within a couple treatments if its helping.