New member
..I'm sorry to hear you had such a serious illness, and i'm glad you've recovered well...
I think instead of being so focused on trying to find the exact cause, there is something more important to learn here for you. Maybe next time if your body gives you such alarming signals that something is wrong you might not want to treat the signals,..but listen to what your body has to say and stop injecting more of the cause immediately..If you have a fever, an numb lip an intense earpain along with a respitory infection...erm, that could be a clue that something is not quiet right...regardless of what anybody on a forum says..common sense should say that's not normal, so why would you take more??.. Instead why not look for a compound that works better with you..or lower to a more respectable dose...or if you have these reactions with every steroid..then clearly steroids is not for you...
Like I said, I'm really sorry to hear what happened to you, and don't try to trivialise it in any way, shape or form..but at the same time, there is also something called personal accountability..as in, nobody held you on gunpoint when you where taking more of the stuff that made you that ill..
Maybe from here onwards, listen to your body..it will tell you the story...
Thank you for sharing your story here, hopefully it will prevent something similar happening to someone else..
Just my 2 pennies worth..

I think instead of being so focused on trying to find the exact cause, there is something more important to learn here for you. Maybe next time if your body gives you such alarming signals that something is wrong you might not want to treat the signals,..but listen to what your body has to say and stop injecting more of the cause immediately..If you have a fever, an numb lip an intense earpain along with a respitory infection...erm, that could be a clue that something is not quiet right...regardless of what anybody on a forum says..common sense should say that's not normal, so why would you take more??.. Instead why not look for a compound that works better with you..or lower to a more respectable dose...or if you have these reactions with every steroid..then clearly steroids is not for you...
Like I said, I'm really sorry to hear what happened to you, and don't try to trivialise it in any way, shape or form..but at the same time, there is also something called personal accountability..as in, nobody held you on gunpoint when you where taking more of the stuff that made you that ill..
Maybe from here onwards, listen to your body..it will tell you the story...

Just my 2 pennies worth..