No, spatts - perhaps YOU should go back and read that ONE other thread about this same topic - the OTHER other thread was about training in general, and volume and intensity in particular - and frankly, I'm still confused about THAT one, too, since nobody ever answered my very specific questions on that thread about how they increase the intensity once they drop the volume - unless they were referring to intensity as a %1RM, which OBVIOUSLY increases when the number of sets decreases, as I found out. No-one ever answered the stuff about cadence, etc. Whatever - this is an internet board - I understand the limitations.
I greatly appreciate the input I got on the other (the ONLY other) hypertrophy thread, but I'M STILL CONFUSED. What the messages on that thread boil down to are:
training should stay the same, only diet changes
(but) leg training should change to accommodate higher cardio work
training should be heavier to reduce loss of muscle mass
(but) training should be lighter in the last few weeks, because hypertrophy at that point is unlikely anyway, and handling the heavier weights is difficult and can lead to injury (well, this last part wasn't on that thread, but I've seen it around)
you should always train to failure
(but) training to failure is unnecessary and should only be done one or twice in a 6-week cycle
And, as realgains just said above, some people increase number of sets
(BUT) I JUST DECREASED number of sets because everyone told me I was overtraining
(BUT) when teirrah posted 15 sets for back no-one said a word ....
I guess my question then really is: WHAT IS training for hypertrophy? How many sets, how many reps, to failure or not, on a body-split shedule or not, etc etc?
Since if I am supposed to be training the SAME now as I normally would, and yet everyone just told me my normal training is all wrong and it was overtraining, WHAT, in actual fact, should I be doing???????
I'm confused. And hungry and nauseous, and a taxi drove into my leg this morning while I was biking to work, landing me on the bonnet, and I'm afraid it won't heal before my comp, since I have barely enough calories to walk, never mind heal, and I'm sorry, now I'm whining - it's just a bad day. It'll all be better in 3.5 weeks.
Thank you realgains - that is actually quite helpful.
What I AM doing is just keeping in all the usual compound moves I usually do, and lifting in a 5-7 rep range, close to failure, or at failure on the last rep. Up to 8 sets for big body parts, and 6 for small, workouts 30-45 mins. Sometimes I end with one set of 20 with a light weight just to pump some blood into the muscle.
Sigh. I thought training was the least of my worries ....