George did what? Hes pretty pathetic if you ask me removing one of his MODs without saying anything to him at all. Could you be anymore immature?
Anyway please copy and paste the mass-email that everyone but me received.
I was just being honest bro.. WannaBeBig forums blow Elite away. The discussions there are much more intelligent, the advice is solid advice that works- here its 25,000 members with around 50 of them knowing what theyre talking about.
That very well may be true. But I think that as a mod on a certain fitness board, you are held to a higher standard of conduct than regular members. What that means is that if you feel that way, you keep it to yourself. If you can't do that, then don't expect to remain a moderator on a board that you so openly trash. It's unprofessional.
Professional or unprofessional I was speaking the truth..
I mean I feel that since I was a MOD- it was just the right thing to do to inform members that there are BETTER board than Elite. 25,000 members all posting on one board its pretty ridiculous.
Especially since the majority post in the Chat and Between the Sheets boards..
You were actually speaking your version of the truth, or, in other words, your opinion. Whether you're right or wrong though, is irrelevant here. Mods don't trash their own boards. If you do, you're out. Simple as that. Can you honestly blame George?