Alright here it is guys. I am hitting the gym tomorrow for the first time in 2 weeks. The doc said my back is ok so Im starting back. I wont be training my squats for a while mostly some protective shit for my lower back and hitting the abs hard too. Im also going to ease back into the benching as well. Im going to be doing a more bodybuilding based routine for the next couple of months cause its SUMMER TIME!!! and also because I wont be competing until October at the earliest. Anyway, in my two weeks off I have gained some excess fat. Hell Ive gained a lot over the past few months as well but I can tell that Ive gained even more the past two weeks living off of fast food, no lifting, and a poor attitude cause I was hurt. I know, I know, Im a powerlifter first BUT I wont be competing until October so I want to look good for a while. Right now Im at 5'5" 190lbs and my bodyfat is 15%, and yes I checked it like a bodybuilding pretty boy lol. Anyway, I have learned very well how to manipulate my bodyweight for weighins and all but very little fat is lost in that process, its mostly water of course and empty stomach and shit. Anyway, do any of you guys out there ever try to drop bodyfat down and cut up a little in the summer or sometime when you arent going to be doing a meet??? I just feel like shit right now and want to look better. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should do??? I have asked on the diet forum and shit and all they want to recommend is Keto Diets and shit like that. These are geared more toward bodybuilding. I do want to lose the fat fast but I still want to keep my strength in mind. I know you always lose some when dieting but I dont want to lose it all lol. I guess Im being picky but oh well. What do you guys think?