no carbs for 2 weeks is a great way to lose 10 lbs for a wrestling match or fit into a just slightly too small pair of jeans for 1 day. It's a great short-term solution that will not last. Move to something like a CKD where you put carbs back in once a week and now you have a recipe for success, but again, this is nothing that anyone should maintain for life.
First make some life changes:
Fruit Juices on special occasions or as part of something prepared special
make water 95+% of your beverage intake
Send McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Sonic, White Castle, Krystal, KFC, Long John Silvers, Chik-Fil-A, Hardy's, Arby's, Baskin Robins, Dairy Queen, etc goodbye letters because you will never visit them again. EVER!
Say goodbye to the Soda/Potato Chip aisle at the grocery store and that you will only be there to visit for New Years, Super Bowl, Grill out parties, etc.
Say good bye to the little debbie/snack cake area in the grocery store also (never go back).
Try that by itself to start and see if you can hack it first.
If doing all of the above would not be that dramatic of a change, then consider doing a CKD, cause otherwise your rebound will not be good.