Hey CindyLou, good luck sweetie and I KNOW patience is the last thing on your mind right now but let nature take it's course. The nipple stimulation will cause braxton hicks but true labor induction is questionable. Sex can lead to labor as well but you need to do it quite a bit.... I think you need the accumulation of sperm every 2-4 hours for 24 hours to equal the equivalent end result of pitocin. Induction is not always the best option since 50% of all inductions end up in c-section anyhow. I am all about drugs in labor.... my favorite pregnancy quote "they do not hand out trophys when you leave the hospital"... do what you've gotta do. I was so impatient with my 2nd child that I had 3 membrane sweeps after 37 weeks.... the third time I even told the doctor "c'mon really dig in there!!!". I think he thought I was a psycho person but it was NOT an ideal pregnancy by any means and I wanted it OVER. It didn't work. Anyways..... good luck!!!!!!