atlantabiolab said:Your argument is concerning "additions to" a concept, such as the idea of "man" to include black people, women, etc. All knowledge is heirarchical, it builds upon the foundation of other truths, so expanding the limit of "man" to cover these additions is not completely re-interpreting the idea of "man" since you have not changed the essentials of this definition: man is a rational animal (Homo sapien = "knowing man"). If you wished to state that homo sapiens are dogs, would this be correct? Is there no truth to ideas, since words can be changed as you argue?
In terms of marriage, the common meaning of this idea has been the union of man and woman; in Roman days its meaning was derived from the "right" (a right we no longer accept in all of its manifestations) of males to take a bride. We have expanded its usage to that of willful voluntary matrimony, unlike its original meaning where fathers sold their daughters or men "took" women for brides, but its meaning has remained as essentially "man and woman".
The deconstruction of American thought has been occuring for decades now, and to deny it is to deny those who vocally advocate deconstruction. "Feminist" theory, "Gay" theory, "Gender" theory, "Racial" theory, etc. all derive much of their philosophy from Derrida's deconstructionism.
I'm reading to you the definition of marriage from the American Heritage dictionary by Houghton Mifflin, copyright 2000. You can choose to argue all that you want, but they know the meaning of words better than any of us and they've been doing it for decades. Of course there are truth to words, but things change - such as the meaning of gay from lighthearted, brightly colored to now mainly gay people or fag, from "to droop" to many meanings now. I don't see the difference of the changes of meanings to these things as any different from the current argument of the definition of marriage.
The deconstruction sounds like a good thing then, from everything that you mentioned . . . America has been removing the ignorance and/or stupidity and/or brutality that it has held for centuries. What is wrong with that?