There are numerous ways to calculate your bodyfat (BF) percentage, the problem is, the numbers can vary a great deal, depending on what you are using. Here are a few things that I have come across tohelp you figure out your bodyfat.
This site is also known as ''. Basically, you register (it's free) and use a tape measure on numerous body sites. Once you put all the numbers in, it will calcualte your BF. The GREAT thing about this web site, is that you can compare your measurements as time progresses. While your weight may not be changing, your bodyfat will be. I am in no way affiliated with this site, I just think it's very user friendly and pretty accurate, did I mention it's free?
2) Bodyfat calipers.
I have tried several versions (AccuMeasureFat Track Digital BF Caliper $27) and the AccuMeasure Fitness 3000 BF Tester $13). Both versions require you, or someone else, to measure specific points (skinfolds) on your body (i.e. chest, triceps, abdomen, thigh). Anywhere from 3-10 skinfold sites, depending on the caliper/method used. Usually, you will have to take 3 readings at each site and just average them out. I haven't had any luck with this, but it did give me my lowest readings of the ones I have tried. I am also left handed, and I think the calipers are easier to use for right handed people.
3) BF Scales
I have one made by Tanita. Look on Google or E-Bay for the latest/best one with the best reviews. These will range anywhere from $50-$200. Of all the bodyfat methods I've tried, this one gives me my HIGHEST BF reading. Basically, you just enter your height and age and then stand onthe scale. Some versions have family settings so 2 or more people can use the same scale. Obviously, this is the EASIEST method as you just touch a button with your toe and stand on it. If you can't read the scale, I think you are overweight. The more hydrated you are, the lower your BF reading will be, so there is a difference between early Am and before you go to bed.
4) Water displacement
I have read about this version, but have never personally had it done. Basically, you are are put on a chair/crane type device and lowered into a body of water. I guess they can tell your bodyfat by the amount of water that is displaced. Since I haven't had it done, i have no clue how much it will cost. I have read that this is the MOST ACCURATE out of all of the methods.
5) Worksheet Calculator.xls
This is a worksheet that the U.S. Army uses. Just plug in your numbers/measurements and use the accompaning chart. I have not used this method, so I don't know how it compares to the others.
Obviously, if you take your readings often, you should be doing it at the same time of day. I.E. I take my bodyfat measurements on Saturdays after I wake up and before I eat. (After urinating.) Either take all the readings yourself, or have the same person do it for you, this will allow less error in the readings.
Please feel free to post any additional BF sites/methods and which ones you prefer and which ones do you think give the best and most accurate BF readings.
This site is also known as ''. Basically, you register (it's free) and use a tape measure on numerous body sites. Once you put all the numbers in, it will calcualte your BF. The GREAT thing about this web site, is that you can compare your measurements as time progresses. While your weight may not be changing, your bodyfat will be. I am in no way affiliated with this site, I just think it's very user friendly and pretty accurate, did I mention it's free?
2) Bodyfat calipers.
I have tried several versions (AccuMeasureFat Track Digital BF Caliper $27) and the AccuMeasure Fitness 3000 BF Tester $13). Both versions require you, or someone else, to measure specific points (skinfolds) on your body (i.e. chest, triceps, abdomen, thigh). Anywhere from 3-10 skinfold sites, depending on the caliper/method used. Usually, you will have to take 3 readings at each site and just average them out. I haven't had any luck with this, but it did give me my lowest readings of the ones I have tried. I am also left handed, and I think the calipers are easier to use for right handed people.
3) BF Scales
I have one made by Tanita. Look on Google or E-Bay for the latest/best one with the best reviews. These will range anywhere from $50-$200. Of all the bodyfat methods I've tried, this one gives me my HIGHEST BF reading. Basically, you just enter your height and age and then stand onthe scale. Some versions have family settings so 2 or more people can use the same scale. Obviously, this is the EASIEST method as you just touch a button with your toe and stand on it. If you can't read the scale, I think you are overweight. The more hydrated you are, the lower your BF reading will be, so there is a difference between early Am and before you go to bed.
4) Water displacement
I have read about this version, but have never personally had it done. Basically, you are are put on a chair/crane type device and lowered into a body of water. I guess they can tell your bodyfat by the amount of water that is displaced. Since I haven't had it done, i have no clue how much it will cost. I have read that this is the MOST ACCURATE out of all of the methods.
5) Worksheet Calculator.xls
This is a worksheet that the U.S. Army uses. Just plug in your numbers/measurements and use the accompaning chart. I have not used this method, so I don't know how it compares to the others.
Obviously, if you take your readings often, you should be doing it at the same time of day. I.E. I take my bodyfat measurements on Saturdays after I wake up and before I eat. (After urinating.) Either take all the readings yourself, or have the same person do it for you, this will allow less error in the readings.
Please feel free to post any additional BF sites/methods and which ones you prefer and which ones do you think give the best and most accurate BF readings.