I've never had sore quads before. The only muscle soreness I experience in my legs are the calves (in general), the hamstrings and the abductors. Abductor/Hamstring pain really sucks. I've had that jello feeling, it's not pleasant at all, but it's indicative of good work ethic so I'm happy .
It's always a hoot when they're SO sore that when you go to sit on the toilet, you fall from the half-way point and you swear the plumbing's going to rip out of the wall.
I work my legs pretty hard but I never get any extreme soarness. I squat 3 times a week also. Monday and Friday are back squats 2x10,4x8. On Wednesday I do front squats by 2x10,4x8. I just about throw up everytime I do them.
It's always a hoot when they're SO sore that when you go to sit on the toilet, you fall from the half-way point and you swear the plumbing's going to rip out of the wall.
I get sore pretty easy. Mostly when i switch my routine around or add weight. For example i can allways rely on my pecz getting sore after i add more weight than previous week. Im usually only sore for 2-3 days.
Nice. So this is normal? Its good to know. I thought I was the only one who had that toilet problem. I've almost fell off the toilet trying to get on it. Ok so then I must be hitting them the way i should be then. Still sore ass hell today from saturdays routine. I feel like an old man.