I train my abs hard twice a week. but can i train them with like 300 situps on off days? I have a great diet and currently on 50 mgs of winny everyday. Im 5'10 162 and 25 years old.
I hate abs...but have been training them with added weight on roman chair situps, EOD and love them. I also get a lot of other ab work from heavy squats, deads, walkouts, static holds, and lots of event training.
Like Mo - Th - Su - We - Sa - Tu - etc, which is about 2.5 times a week on average
preparing for summer:
2 weeks every other day
2 weeks 2 on 1 off and then for the grand finale:
Holidays (where its at)
every day!, to keep them under tension so they look really yummy hard even while in relaxed state, walking by so very casually hehehe