I train using the conjugate method....its a constantly evolving program that focus on different aspects of strength (at the sametime). It constantly evolves to suit your weakness, and avoids staleness so you never burn out
I change my workouts every 8-10 weeks....this change can be as little as changing the order in which id o my exercises, the rep ranges or it could be totally changed.
I train westside so I change my ME movements every 3 weeks and extra movements every 3 weeks if I'm not competing any time soon i'll go ahead and max out every 8-12 weeks depending on how I feel, now if I know for sure I have a meet coming up then i'll start doing singles after my DE days or I'll just plan on whatever i can 3 board press as a max for bench if I've done recent pause DB press or illegal wides.
we change pretty regularly actually. We're doing west-side for bench but we're also doing squats/deads too but we change pretty often. Pretty much every workout we change a little bit. I mean we'll do 1 exercise different than last time. It's working well I'd say. We're gonna max regular flat bench on thurs so we'll know by then for sure!