Would you mind sharing your program with us? I have been debating on breaking up HST and mixing in a few other things.
bro, i wish i could be some of it is proprietary. that is to say, it includes
many elements from the omega program. omega is a friend of mine and
he markets his methods on this site.
i can tell you this without lettin the cat out of the bag:
1. training splits should resemble a chess game. you must think about the
placement of movements relative to what you want to accomplish.
e.g. split is situated in such a fashion to avoid overtraing a muscle
group. CNS fatigue must be attended to as well.
2. movements must compliment each other. some movements are
synergistic when combined properly.
3. choose your movements carefully. there are a select group of exercises
for each muscle group that work much better than others. muscle
confusion is a silly ass myth.
4. high reps, 15 - 20 reduce myostatin in clinical studies! myostatin is
our enemy as BB'ers. it's that nasty protein that inhibits muscle
growth. i am not saying that all sets are preformed in this range.
5. the WAY in which you perform your sets and reps determine your
results and the time it takes to achieve them. a full range of
motion is not necessary for all movement and can actually be
counterproductive. the amount of weight becomes secondary
when you adopt this truth.
many will argue with me, but i would ask that they post up some
pics to accompany their protestations. i will take pics the same
day and post them. i dare say there are 3 members on this site
that look anything like i do, competitors or otherwise. i look like
this 365 days a year. " yeah but you're on a bunch of steroids",
they will say in defense. NO I AM NOT! i am on HRT and i use
400 mg test cyp \ wk and 3 or 4 i.u. hgh and every six months or so,
i 'll run oxandrolone for 6 weeks at 30 mg's day and i run 200 mg's
nandrolone for 12 weeks once a year. hardly a big cycle.