How much time do you spend streching? I've heard that you should streach about 30 min a day but it seems like alot of powerlifters have very little flexabilaty. So when and how much should i streach?
I don't think I have ever Streached before, sounds kind of weird but I do stretch before workouts. i try to run on the tred for about 5 min to loosen up, then stretch out the body part/parts i will be working that day.
I always stretch for specific muscles before a workout. But lately, i have been doing cardio on my non-work days and have been stretching afterwards. Trying to work the whole "active recovery" angle and get blood flowing to the muscles.
I stretch every day, for about 30-45 minutes a session. I always stretch after my workouts. I do stretch a little after my warmup too but for the most part, I stretch after my workout.