Come on guys, arguing over the net is totally pointless and does nothing to help the board.
I hold a lot of fat in the midsection even though I am always lean almost everywhere else. It is just genetic and I have to live with it.
Keep up the cardio and perhaps try a keto diet for a few weeks to shock your body. However, a keto diet is not for a novice and you need to know quite a bit about nutrition to carry it out successfully.
If you don't feel too confident about a keto diet then you could try this diet that I used a while back and it helped me a lot:
Meal 1: 50 grams oatmeal, 5 egg white/1 yolk, 20 grams protein powder (mixed into oats for flavour, choc is best)
Meal 2: 50 grams protein powder (best you can afford, don't bother with Nitro Tech or any of that shit).
Meal 3: 1 tin of tuna, fat free mayo and a little mustard, 1 slice whole meal bread, 1 tbsp flax or olive oil.
Meal 4: 50 grams protein powder.
Meal 5: 150 grams chicken, veggies, 1 tbsp flax.
Meal 6: 50 grams protein powder or tuna.
You can mix around with the calories as they may be a little low especially if you're doing alot of cardio.
Blood_drinker - I am glad to see ECA is the most 'hardcore' you are going. A lot of young bbers get into prohormones and even roids way too early. Keep up the hard work and the fat will melt in time.
If all else fails there is always DNP