Is there a generation of idiots growing up who can't actually cook? Cos it sure seems like it. The irony of asking on a BB/PED site yet being incapable of looking up a YouTube video and LEARNING how to cook by following simple instructions.
Heck they come from the supermarket with instructions on the label.
The REAL issue is those that think they can't cook really suffer from impatience. Cos a big ass family size Turkey takes HOURS.
I have stated (Facebook recently) that the availability of luxury food is greater now than ever before. Some of the food many supermarkets have offered this year have been fkin stunning - King Arthur Rib Sirloin... wow.
But if you can learn to cook and know your meat then you can and will learn to make a much BETTER tasting Turkey (or any other food) cos it'll be just how you want it to be.