I think my years of competitive sports and not having the option of skipping/decreasing workouts during those few days each month (because coaches, especially male ones, don't give a crap) have made me not really notice it's effects on my workout. However, the bloating sucks and the breast soreness/swelling (especially when running!! ouch!!!) is horrible.
While we're on this topic, any advice on the pill? I'm on Orthotricyclen-Lo, which I recently went on after being off the pill for a while. Even with the lower estrogen level, any thoughts on whether this will cause weight gain/retention? (On the other hand...I guess I'd have to choose making losing body fat more of a pain over having kids any day...)
And has anyone on the pill ever skipped the placebos and started a new pack right away (after the "real pills" are done) to skip periods? Does doing so make you feel any different (or would your estrogen level cause you to gain/hang on to fat and water weight)? I've heard it's ok to do a few times here and there, and also that it's not good to do at all. Just curious.