Girls should not stink. I hear this all the time from guys saying that other girls have had a smell. I dont. I will not! Sounds like some sort of infection.
Go with her to the doc. Could be something like a yeast infection. Poor thing.
it didnt use to be this way, kinda a new thing. still, its almost an anaesthetic its so bad. I dont come up for air because of this, but it would be nice to not have to hold my breath for several minutes. lol
alls you have to do is say hey you smell bad go shower!!! or no girls shouldn't have a bad oder but they all have their own smell(not bad)....they shouldn't duece either as that will kill all the good bacteria in there that kills all the bad bacteria! go to the doc if the oder continues and is very offensive....can she smell it too?
Girls should not stink. I hear this all the time from guys saying that other girls have had a smell. I dont. I will not! Sounds like some sort of infection.
Go with her to the doc. Could be something like a yeast infection. Poor thing.