its dependant on bf, if you have worked those abs every day of your life and are 25% bf you wont see them...but i am confused about why somone would work them while cutting, i always hear you cant cut and bulk, but then people say its good to train while on a diet, (rather then just cardio) but dosent training break down muscle? and therefore you would lose some mass because you arent feeding on a very slow diet as i have 3months to lose like 8-10lbs. i feel fat at 9%bf
edit: this is from a member of another forum....does it have any real merit? thanks It's not that you can't bulk up and lose body fat at the same time. You most certainly can. Just the process of breaking down and rebuilding muscle tissue burns some fat. The reason body builders bulk and cut in different cycles is because you can bulk bigger and faster if you just concentrate on exercises and routines that build bulk. The same holds true for the cutting cycle. Also the more bulk you have the more you have to cut. Also diet plays into this but I don't need to go into that. Actually most competetive bodybuilders do 3 cycles. Strength, mass and cutting. If you are not a competetive bodybuilder and are just trying to look good and be healthy then combining mass and toning is a good way to go. You will have less chances of injuring yourself since you will be mixing heavy and light weight with higher and lower repetitions