musclebrains said:
Does this mean you are not going to be a judge in the Forest Park Pentecostal Ru Paul Look Alike Contest after all?
I could still be the judge.. but I am not sure who Ru Paul looks like. I know he is a black genderless human. That is about it.... where the hell do you come up with this anyhow?? hahahahahaa
here is one for you Musclebrains....
"God’s Word offers the opportunity for redemption, forgiveness, and grace along with the pronouncement of judgement. God’s agenda is clear: to seek out sinners, and offer them the free gift of salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.
Does God hate homosexuality? Yes, He absolutely does.
Does God hate people who practice homosexuality? NO, HE ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT.
God loves homosexuals, and invites them to come to Him, to allow Him to wash, sanctify, and justify them, and to let Him heal them of the deep wounds in their hearts that cause them to be pulled toward homosexuality.
If you are a homosexual, let me make this clear: There are many in your ranks that want you to believe that "God made you that way." That is really a sophisticated form of denial -- with the hope that, if you say it enough, it will overpower your inner sense that the lifestyle is unnatural and wrong. If, for just one moment, you will take the bold step away from that denial, and listen to your heart, you’ll realize that "God made you that way" is a lie. "