So Tonite i go to Ybor strip, i walk in with like 20$$ so im not expecting to get a lap dance or anything and just to chill. So this SMOKING stripper comes up to me and is like you wanna dance? Im like i got like 20$ bucs and its 40 for a lap dance. So shes like just pay the bar 10$ and well go to the private room. So immediatly all my boys are like oooooo Go! So i ended up in the private room and the first thing she ask me is if im italian? Im like Of COURSE! and shes like i knew it Blah Blah Blah then she said she knows how "geneticly gifted" we are. Im like damn straight. Then she slaps a few kisses on me(no tounge) and talked about how she will make me the best pasta ever and give me the best head ever. So basically at that point i thought she fell from heaven
So after all the pillow talk shes like so do have any roomates? im like ya i got 3 but there fucking dipshits and i dont get along with them! so shes says well why dont you come over to my place then? I paused for a brief second and almost creamed my pants. But i told her my boys were waiting to get out of here, so she gave me her number and told me to come over this weekend!@So after all the pillow talk shes like so do have any roomates? im like ya i got 3 but there fucking dipshits and i dont get along with them! so shes says well why dont you come over to my place then? I paused for a brief second and almost creamed my pants. Then she asked me how old i was so i wasnt gonna lie so i told im 18 and she paused for a sec and said well im only 10 years older then you so ill teach you something.But i told her my boys were waiting to get out of here, so she gave me her number and told me to come over this weekend! SO basically im in a Dilemma WTF DO I DO! i mean SHES BANGING! shes got her tounge pierced, both nipples, belly, clit! and has a better 6 pac then me!