Took 3 caps and I ended up taking my DVD player apart and now I can't get it back together. LOL!
Seriously tho, I like this product MUCH MUCH better than I did the original lipostim formula. I know since then he's changed the formula to correct the things I didn't like about the original, but I haven't tried the new one yet.
Like everyone else that's tried it has said there isn't any crash with SuperStim...Tingly head, tons of energy, and a overall great feeling. Just finally got around to taking my first dose, so I'll post more after I try it again.
Good shit, nice job Omega.
Seriously tho, I like this product MUCH MUCH better than I did the original lipostim formula. I know since then he's changed the formula to correct the things I didn't like about the original, but I haven't tried the new one yet.
Like everyone else that's tried it has said there isn't any crash with SuperStim...Tingly head, tons of energy, and a overall great feeling. Just finally got around to taking my first dose, so I'll post more after I try it again.
Good shit, nice job Omega.