Workout 2/6 (3 x 5)
Worked out at the Pro Club again after work. Pretty long day but I had a PB and banana sandwich and fruit smoothie w/protein about 45 minutes before my workout.
Hang Cleans
95 x 2 x 3
135 x 3
Not much to mention here except my form felt pretty much off. Haven't done these for awhile and I definitely lost whatever groove I had going before. Ah well.
Also, when I went to use one of the three squat racks, the safety pins were set where I like them (for some reason, at this gym everyone has the pins set around 4.5 feet off the ground) with the empty bar on it. Some PT with his client was doing some ab stuff on the floor in front of the rack, and as I start to grab the bar, the following conversation ensues:
PT: 'Hey we're using that'
Me: 'Oh OK', and I walk away.
Pregnant pause as I make my way to one of the other racks.
PT: 'Clean and Press'
I'm thinking 'Uh, I don't really need to know'. So I turn around and say 'OK pal, no prob' I kinda felt like he was bragging that he was having his client doing some oly lifting.
Anyway, this guy proceeds to do the slowest reverse curl and OHP you've ever seen, like super slow with just the bar. The guy is in agony and the PT's cheering him on 'Perfect!' 'That's it!'
Front Squat
225 x 2 x 5, 4 + 1
Intended to do 5 x 3 since I've had rack problems in the past, but as I got under the bar it seemed like an awful lot of sets. So I just sucked it up and went for 3 x 5. First two sets were solid but kinda hard. Last set I lost my rack so I stopped at 4, then did one sitting in the hole for a few secs for giggles. Probably overshot this but whatever, I'll keep it going somehow next week
185 x 3 x 5
Pretty easy. Lower back felt good but left glute was tugging a bit. Have a lot of room on these, though, I hope.
Another story - it musta been Freaky Friday - but as I was doing my GM's I hear somone pounding on one of the bars a couple racks down. Sure enough some guy was hammering the manta ray into place, then proceeded to do some kind of plie looking, toes out, knees out, plie quarter squats with 225
115 x 3 x 5
20 x 3 x 5
60 x 5, 80 x 2 x 5
Started out light because the dip bar at this gym are wider than I'm used to. But it wasn't too bad so I stepped it up. Not bad.
Overall: Good workout. I think I'm going drop the bench since I hate the benches at this new gym, and substitute dips instead. So the workouts will look like this:
Back Squat
BB row
Power Shrug
Front Squat