It could be that she's just too stressed and wound too tight. Stress is by far the biggest libido killer for women, there isn't even a close second. My advice, get her away for a vacation where she can relax. Then, and this is critical, don't try climbing on her the first night away. Maybe give her a massage, treat her nice, do some things she enjoys (if she likes to dance, take her dancing etc) and just hang out without her feeling any pressure. If she thinks the only reason you took her away was to get her in the mood for sex the whole thing isn't going to work. All of this is going to hopefully get her to relax and if that happens I'll bet she perks up. Women are not by nature frigid, some just need you to cultivate their desire a little bit. Go slow, make her want you, and show her that sex is supposed to be fun not stressful or goal (orgasm) oriented. Then post pics.