i've got the same thing. its not nearly as bad as it was 3-4 years ago, back then i had trouble completing a sentence. Now i just stumble and mix up words a couple of times a conversation.
Aversion to, or even revulsion by intimate personal contact is no laughing matter. That's something I have to deal with as well, and as a result I tend to go through extended "dry spells." It really takes a lot, to get used to people being physically "familiar." Shit, I'll just about jump out of my skin if someone comes up and pats my back or puts their hand on my shoulder.
Only when I have to, which can be as little as once a year. I have to
sign for vacation days in person. That spawns a conversation that I dread.
Personal questions are like slaps in the face to me.
It's not to bad on the Internet though. Here, I can be someone else in seconds.
I detest physical contact. Even someone bumping into me makes me want to throw them out a window, but most keep thier distance, so it's never a problem