JerseyArt said:
I have to admit, when I firts wrote this I thought you were kidding, or at minimum exxagerating incredibly. It wasn't intended to embarass you, nor do I think there is any reason you should feel embarassed. We all have our issues.
I've been 100% honest from the get go with this....
JerseyArt said:
Even now I'm uncertain. You have me, then write something like "lumerjacking accident", and I think he has got to be kidding. I mean, what are the chances?
I don't know what to call it, my buddy Joel worked for a tree service, tree un-rooted, he got ripped in half.
JerseyArt said:
What I am certain of is that you are an intelligent and witty young man. That much is evident in your posts, and couldn't be faked. If all of the rest of what you say is true Ulcaster, then don't let it continue one bro. We can't always control the problems life hand us, just how we react and deal with them.
Wise words, but wasted...
JerseyArt said:
What is troubling you sounds like it requires more help than anyone here can reasonably offer.
I made that clear in my second post in this thread. Told you I was FUBAR.
JerseyArt said:
You need professional advice and help
This has been the case for some time, I can't deny this ....
JerseyArt said:
There is no shame in that.
There would be much shame for me. Got to remember Jersey, where I come from, men are judged differently, and from observation, you judge yourself the same by proxy.
JerseyArt said:
The only shame would be in allowing yourself to continue suffering without at least attempting to turn things around.
I'm a waste of carbon, nothing to add there...Anyways, I'm not suffering to bad. Just around Christmas is a little kick in the teeth. If I make it, I do, if I don't, I don't. I have systems in place.
JerseyArt said:
In your mind somehow you've convinced yourself that people are far less accessible and desirous of meeting other people than is the case.
I haven't convinced myself of much. My personality idiosyncrasies fell into place the way they did, like anybody's, throughout my life time-line. It's a complicated algorithm, how people form. Someone will become a painter, a socialite, or a serial killer. People form as a person. I formed badly and removed. I'm not the only one like this. You remember my post in the +18 virgins thread? I have lots of aunts and uncles like this. We/I are not very human. Cold people, where only 1 in 4 reproduces. I'm an evolutionary dead-end...
JerseyArt said:
You have turned an obstacle which should be a foot high to step over into the great wall by perceiving things out of proportion to what they really are.
Somewhat. Again Jersey, growing up in the middle of nowhere, people form social bonds conducive to their environment. My family was not friendly with anyone, including each other. I come from the same tree. In a city, where there's 8 million people, your prolly gonna be more social then a fella from a neighborhood of 7 people.
JerseyArt said:
I hope things work out for you bro,
I think you'll forget this thread fairly quckly, atleast not long after the thrill and entertainment value has diminished
and It's still echoing in my mother fucking head! I should have shut you down, but I played along.....So be it.
JerseyArt said:
and I hope you don't change your screen name. I have always enjoyed your posts and your contributions to the site.
Ok and thanks....
I'm dead tired and haven't had my coffee yet. I hope this made since. I'll edit or whatever when I get home...