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Ttokkyo Bullshit
To be honest bro I don't why in the hell you're using that Ttokkyo nightmare sauce, I had to give up on it myself and just take the loss. But if you must continue using it, here's some things you can do:
1) heat the oil first in warm water (5 minutes or so)
Some people say they do this in the syringe, but for sterility reasons, why not just heat the bottle in water before drawing up?
2) mix it!! Deca or equipose if you have them to dilute the alchol content.
3) massage the hell out of the injection site afterwards, like you said, to dissipate the oil fro the site.
4) inject in the mornings as opposed to the evening...this way you're walking around during the day and the oil can dissipate better. Or some say they inject on leg day, and do their workouts afterwards for further dispersion of the oil in the site. I'd go out and walk around, but God, with that shit it made no difference!
5) About baking it. This is controversial. The info I've come away with is that it MAY lessen the pain by evaporating the benzyl alcohol by cooking the vial (with a venting pin) for about 3 cycles of 25minutes of low temperature. (heating, cooling, then again). However this may also weaken the potency of the gear, and you may end up with not that much benefit (not a LOT of pain decrease) and then weak gear. IMHO, it's not worth doing.
6) Toss that bullshit and get some Organon sust! Ttokkyo's next batch of shit will have less alchol content by the way...they are aware of the problems with their testonon.
Also, if your ass is UNTOLERABLE like mine was, or the heat is intense from the area and swelled (you may have a fever too), then I'd suggest you go to a doc if it persists for longer than a couple days and doesn't get better. If I've said anything incorrectly I'm open to correction by a more knowlegable vet. Good luck!
To be honest bro I don't why in the hell you're using that Ttokkyo nightmare sauce, I had to give up on it myself and just take the loss. But if you must continue using it, here's some things you can do:
1) heat the oil first in warm water (5 minutes or so)
Some people say they do this in the syringe, but for sterility reasons, why not just heat the bottle in water before drawing up?
2) mix it!! Deca or equipose if you have them to dilute the alchol content.
3) massage the hell out of the injection site afterwards, like you said, to dissipate the oil fro the site.
4) inject in the mornings as opposed to the evening...this way you're walking around during the day and the oil can dissipate better. Or some say they inject on leg day, and do their workouts afterwards for further dispersion of the oil in the site. I'd go out and walk around, but God, with that shit it made no difference!
5) About baking it. This is controversial. The info I've come away with is that it MAY lessen the pain by evaporating the benzyl alcohol by cooking the vial (with a venting pin) for about 3 cycles of 25minutes of low temperature. (heating, cooling, then again). However this may also weaken the potency of the gear, and you may end up with not that much benefit (not a LOT of pain decrease) and then weak gear. IMHO, it's not worth doing.
6) Toss that bullshit and get some Organon sust! Ttokkyo's next batch of shit will have less alchol content by the way...they are aware of the problems with their testonon.
Also, if your ass is UNTOLERABLE like mine was, or the heat is intense from the area and swelled (you may have a fever too), then I'd suggest you go to a doc if it persists for longer than a couple days and doesn't get better. If I've said anything incorrectly I'm open to correction by a more knowlegable vet. Good luck!