I ate plenty of pastas and hell of protein, steaks, chicken, protein drinks etc...
Sleeping well was a big key.
I worked out my Chest, Tris, Biceps, Back, Shoulders, Lats, Abs and Forearms 4 days a week. And the other 3 days of the week would be lower body work outs. When on deca i could train like an animal as you can see I did not have a day of break. The lubrication of the joints also helped me train so much. I would do many workouts for just 1 muscle depended on what i fealt like doing but all usually in one day/workout.
I gained 20 pounds weighing 180 and putting up 275 on bench 50 pounds+, when i was only 16 at 6 ft tall.
And i only ran Deca 250 1 cc a week for 5 weeks.
I am concluding that:
Your not working out enough, not nearly as much as i did.
Your not Eating enough food. Deca needs plenty of good carbs and protein, try to stay away from the bread and eat pastas, and also of course no fats at all.
Drink plenty of water bottom line.
Get plenty of sleep
Lift as much as you can with each set and rep and go up on weight as well with correct form.
I am about to start a cycle consisting of Deca 300 week 1-10 and Winstrol 50 e/d week 7-13 and all the pct necesitys.
private message to talk more