No problem honey! I know it must have seemed like that and I am not searching for a quick fix really. I appreciate your apology!
katz-Thanks for the tips! I always get seasick-ugh! Gotta love the patch-at least we will only be at sea for one day--it is just a 4 day cruise. I went on a 10 day cruise a couple of years ago and that was rough-gained 10 pounds-ugh! Not this time damn it!!!
No problem honey! I know it must have seemed like that and I am not searching for a quick fix really. I appreciate your apology!

katz-Thanks for the tips! I always get seasick-ugh! Gotta love the patch-at least we will only be at sea for one day--it is just a 4 day cruise. I went on a 10 day cruise a couple of years ago and that was rough-gained 10 pounds-ugh! Not this time damn it!!!