Legs1010 said:You don't really believe that, do you?
Honestly, I haven't met a guy yet who hangs around a girl, unless
1 of 3 things are happening. #1 he is getting her, or #2 he thinks he may have the chance of getting her or #3 wants to network
her for some of her friends. Anyway it's put, it only boils down to
sex, opportunity for sex, or hope for sex. Sad but true. In a perfect world I guess it would be different, but we're not made
that way. So to answer the question, Yes I whole heartedly believe that. Girls need to wake up and understand you DO NOT &
WILL NOT ever understand how guys work, and if you are one of
the lucky ones who do, then you know what I'm talking about. If
you believe otherwise, you are just another victim of a guys B/S.