ok..fri nite im at this club/bar and im goin to take a piss and this fine girl stops me, id give her an 8, maybe 9, and grabs me and goes "ur in my soc 467 class" and i didnt recognize her and i told her that and she was like "ive had my eye on u all year" so i said "oh is that right?" and anyway we were gettin pushed along so i said id see her in a min so i went and pissed and seen my buddies on the dance floor and seen she was near them so i walked over slowly and she seen me and looked me in the eyes and smiled so i did the same. so i go up to her and she puts her arm around me and palms my ass and so we start talkin about class n shit, she introdcues me to some friends of hers and so after a little she asks if i got piercings anywhere else (i got eyebrow, labret, ears) and i said i wasnt gonna give her a straight answer and shed have to explore for herself so she starts feelin me up and her hot friend too they both grabbed my crotch n shit. so were all talkin a little and me and the girl are gettin all close, im kino to her and everything, palmin her ass, runin my fingers around her back n shit, but shes with a bunch of people i dont really know and me and my boys were about to go to a party we planned on goin to. i never mentioned it, but i got her # and she said eventually "well i better get back to my friends" so i let her go and then as i leave a few min later pinch her and say bye and she says bye. i told her id call her in a little, so i do and she never picks up. i text her the next nite, she never responds. now i gotta see this girl in class (i now know where she sits and i sit across the room and behind her ususally) and i dont know what to do when i go to this class now. should i sit by her now or just say whats up to her and go back to where i usually sit? i wanna fuck her so bad but i dont get it like she opened me and then nothin happened and now i gotta worry about it bein awkward in class. anyway sorry for the long post but this is fuckin with me so help asap would greatly be appreciated. thanks guys;
k for replies. thanks
k for replies. thanks