some diets don't work for everyone bro. I have no doubt you are truthful that you have tried 'dieting' .. problem is bodybuilders are hammered with the idea of low carbs, high protein as dieting. that's fine and dandy but it doesn't work for everyone. I would suggest you try going the vegetarian route.. only meat you are allowed is oily fish. you can use eggs, nuts, and the fish as protein. and ezekial bread for your bread. you need to cut out all other breads, pasta's, wheat, dairy etc etc. we are told that whole grain bread is great, problem is its derived from flour. you need the ezekial which is sprouted bread. you have a re-feed meal once a week where you have some pizza, frozen yogurt, and other carb heavy foods, then you go back to your diet the rest of the week. try that for a month and if you don't have results then you can have one of my nuts.