It depends on how you look at it. As far as helping, I usually give cash, unless I reasonably suspect that they're not legit. By that I mean, there are many Los Angeles "homeless" who are alcoholics, and are only homeless by choice. If it's an alcoholic who has not hit rock bottom yet, and he/she is just being sustained by people handing out a few bucks for more booze, we're NOT helping by handing them cash. It sounds cruel unless you've been there, or been close to someone who has. If it's a true homeless victim of circumstance; a woman who had to leave an abusive home, or a man, or a couple who lost their place to live in a bad economy, then offering whatever help you can, is a good deed. Maybe enough cash to get a hotel room for a couple nights, hot showers, and the dignity and courage to go get a new job, etc. $2 for a taco and water won't do it. I haven't always been in a decent situation myself, and I know personally what it feels like to sleep in a vehicle, and calculate who is the least embarrassing friend to ask if you can use their shower. Thanfully, that was a very short term experience for me, when I was 23. That was enough to let me know the feeling, and I'll never forget it, whether I live barely getting by, or very well.
There is an old lady down in West Los Angeles, who by all outward appearance is homeless (or close to it). She has an old beat-up Chevy with the back seat stuffed with clothes and junk, and she looks like a bag lady. She shows up every day at the same time of the evening, and feeds all the feral cats who hang out behind a row of restaurants after business hours. Nest time I see her, I might give her some funds, if she'll take it. If she gets any income, she probably is spending all of it on cat food. I have no idea what her deal is, and I'm not even a fan of cats. But I see that what she's doing is very selfless, and she deserves something in return.
Then there's the opposite of the spectrum: There's a young man who hangs out in the Walmart parking lot, and he's holding a sign "Homeless hungry combat veteran". Bullshit! He's only 10 minutes away from the Veterans' Administration, which will unconditionally offer help to any veteran who needs housing or medical help. Either he's not really a combat vet, or he's not interested in help. I see how many people hand him cash. I bet he makes more than a middle-rank worker in the store. I don't like it when someone plays on your sympathy. Oh yes, and he has an underweight German Shepherd with him to drive his point home. What a scumbag. The only help I'd offer is a fat lip.