Someone I know did a crack binge and came to my house. He tried to steal my box cutters and almost was successful. But then he was in my living room ranting and I got up to see what it was. He ran into kitchen where i was and pushed me to ground. Being who it was I let it go since he was trying to punch my head but couldn't. He got up and we started talking shit and he did same thing, this time hitting me in the head. I yelled at my wife "thats it!" She knew I was gonna take control fast, so she came running. I pushed that Motherfucker up so hard that he flew backwards and ended up on ground. I immediately just on top of him, secured the left arm, and had my right elbow to the left front of throat pressing hard as I could just being shy of collasping his throat. With his right hand h e reached in his pocket for my carpet cutting knife. You know the nice ones that fold you can get at Lowes. He stuck it just next to elbow, and even half the handle was in arm. I will post a pic soon. But he cut major arteries and major muscles in that region. It happened at 4 am. I'm not telling date. But I didn't feel it. I guess from the blade being so sharp and my adrinoline(sp?) I just didn't know.
I will say this, next time someone pulls a knife on me I will use it on them, no doubt.
I forgot, my elbow was about 2 inches from my heart from the time, fucker is lucky.
I am capable of taking care of business. On the way to the hospital. I was bleeding so bad they had someone meet ambulance on highway and help put pressure on it to slow the bleeding, basically I was loosing way too much blood.
There's a true one for ya. I serious. If they would have been a few minutes more, I would have been in trouble.