I know alot about it and what each one died from. Rick Rude was liquid x, Mr.Perfect was cocain intox so thats two deaths that were blamed on steroids.... where are the NFL deaths? OR BASEBALL DEATHS?
Wrestling travels 300 days a year Min, wrestle every day, party, pills, pain, up late, on roaD, Women, and that rock and roll life. Also Chris Benoit they tried to blame roids but it was then later NOTED that he had multiple concussions causing dimensia and he had a brain of a 80 plus year old. Any Football player would have been done tyen yrs ealier *nfl qbacks 2 -3 head trama's and they are done, wrestlers have mnay more and keep going. Look up the reports on the deaths and most died from other drugs like pain killers and cocain.
Just bothers me when thge media pins it ALL ON GEAR I thinks its a combo of travel, hard work, drugs of all kinds, parties, women, eating on the road u name it
I read Hulk Hogan and Bret Harts books recently and they were ok, Bret Harts was a best seller.
In both books Hogan and Hart said they went to a Doc, WWF sent them to pick up 20 vials decca and test. Hogan was big on Decca and Dbol and Bret more Test Decca. Bret also said in his book he does not regret them and without them he would have never been able to do the schedule (300 days a year)Hogan- Said it was like Candy, just tons of gear 20 bucks a bottle max lol