I have been doing 4 weeks cycles for about 4 months and I will never go back to long cycles again. I still like the idea of being off the same length of time your on so I do 4 on 4 off.
The trick is to use short acting esters that are in an out quick. Examples are: fina, prop, dbol, winny, suspension, all orals as a matter of fact. Deca will be in your system too long so if you want to use it only use it the first ten days.
For bulking I usually do the following:
Sustanon days 1,3,5,7,9,11
D-bol days 1-25
Propinate every other day from 13-28
Clomid three days after
For cutting:
Sustanon days 1,3,5,7,9
Winny 1-25
propinate every other day from 13-28
Fina every other day from the beginning
If you want to throw in Deca do it with the Sustanon although so say it has an ester that lasts up to 3 weeks. You want to make sure that it is out of your system before you start clomid.
Let me know if you need more info.