my ass cheek was kind of hard for a week or 2 but no fevers or anything so i really didnt notice anything...started breakin out into fevers my ass cheek started gettin sore and i went to the er and it took the 3rd time to finally get admitted and have it really drained....the other times they just gave me antibiotics and shit didnt work cause all the puss was still in my cheek and it wasnt goin anywhere....the 2nd time i was in the er they lanced it and nothing really came out i guess they didnt go deep enough...when i got admitted they took a drain tube attached to a big bag and stuck it in the same hole deeper i guess and it fuckin drained like crazy over 500mls and they put me on iv antibiotics....the whole thing was fucking depressing like i said ive been injecting over 6 yrs im a fuckin monster and i never had a problem until now....ive heard of this shit happenin to people who even use rubbing alcholol and everything....usually with water based shit tho